Sonett wool and silk detergent

SKU: S-4724
  • Purely vegetable surfactants
  • Completely biodegradable, fragrance free
Sale price4,00 € 5.0 (10)
Size: 120 ml
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Product description

Quickly biodegradable organic Sonett detergent for wool and silk

Three sizes: 120, 500 and 1 000 ml. Fragrance-free and conditioning olive and rapeseed oil based washing liquid for hand and machine washing up to 40 Celsius degrees.

Dosage: 60 ml / 4.5 kg of dry laundry. 100 % biodegradable. 1 litre of Sonett washing liquid lasts 17 loads of 2.5 kg dry laundry

The right wash and care make clothes and accessories last longer. Due to olive and rapeseed oils in the washing liquid protein-based fibers such as silk and wool maintain their elasticity better. A separate lanolin-based wool conditioner is only needed for treating wool nappy pants. Choose a washing detergent best suited for a specific fiber.

Made in Germany. Sonett won the prestigious German Sustainability Award 2024.

Quickly biodegradable organic Sonett detergent for wool and silk

Three sizes: 120, 500 and 1 000 ml. Fragrance-free and conditioning olive and rapeseed oil based washing liquid for hand and machine washing up to 40 Celsius degrees.

Dosage: 60 ml / 4.5 kg of dry laundry. 100 % biodegradable. 1 litre of Sonett washing liquid lasts 17 loads of 2.5 kg dry laundry

The right wash and care make clothes and accessories last longer. Due to olive and rapeseed oils in the washing liquid protein-based fibers such as silk and wool maintain their elasticity better. A separate lanolin-based wool conditioner is only needed for treating wool nappy pants. Choose a washing detergent best suited for a specific fiber.

Made in Germany. Sonett won the prestigious German Sustainability Award 2024.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Sari K.


Leena J.

todella hyvä luonnonmukainen

Kaisu K.
Pesuaine villalle ja silkille

Tosi hyvä ja riittoisa villa pesuun. Silkki paidasta tuli pehmeän tuntuinen.

Laadukas tuote

Pitää hyvää huolta villavaatteista. Vaatteet ovat pesun jälkeen ihanan tuntuisia.

Kirsti L.

Ihan hyvä tuote. Olen käyttänyt sitä ennenkin.